Once Upon a Time in Eastern Europe

Steven Robert Carlson
12 min readFeb 3, 2021

In which we reveal the supernatural origins of a weekly, English-language newspaper founded 30 years ago in Budapest, Hungary

This photo was taken at the Csiga bar in Budapest, Hungary in 2006 on the occasion of Budapest Week’s 15th anniversary. Photo credit: Stephen Saracco

Oh, my friends, it’s time to tell you all a story

About a boy who grew up a fish out of water

Who escaped the weary conformity of the Orange County suburbs to follow his hippie uncle to a liberal college town in rural Northern California

Where he fell under the enchantment of mysterious professors from Eastern Europe

Who offered glimpses of faraway lands

Let us remember their names:

Nicholas Nagy-Talavera
Louis Mihályi
Ivan Sviták

We shall never see their likes again

And in that college town of Chico, our young hero found myself entranced by the free-wheeling hippie ethos of the day

He decided to embrace our world with his whole heart

To live a life worth living

And he vowed to live his life as if money had no meaning

An imprecation he would sorely regret

And so for reasons only he could understand, our young hero laid it all on the table

He sealed his magical vision with an alchemical roll of the dice

He launched himself towards Skopje, Macedonia — then part of Yugoslavia — on a one-to-one student exchange

He never looked back


Know this

Jim Jessee’s door was a portal to mysterious realms

Jim and Nelda were the first Chico State students to travel to Skopje, in 1974–75

Many others followed their path, but I was the last

Jim and Nelda CARED for the students who arrived from Macedonia each year

Once our young hero passed through Jim’s door, he tasted exotic dishes, drank potent brews, met cultured, well-traveled people, and heard tales of adventures in faraway places

Jim Jessee’s door was wide open and welcoming, my friends

Surely this is where our hero acquired his taste for magic?


Only recently did I discover that young sorcerer’s first attempt at spellcraft

Here is the evidence, my friends

A notice published in the first issue of Budapest Week in March 1991

Consider these words most carefully


Hello Budapest!

You are holding a copy of Budapest’s first English-language weekly newspaper written and produced by foreigners. We aim to bridge the cultural and information gap that can make the first few steps in Hungary so frustrating and makes a longer-term stay in Hungary so much more complicated.

As foreign residents of Budapest, we want to share the ins-and-outs, the little tricks and ‘little gates.’ We have no monopoly on information here: the emphasis is share.

Actually we exaggerate a bit. Budapest Week is not entirely foreign written. Several on our staff are Hungarians: Who after all is better qualified to speak about Hungary? Our difference is the editorial staff. As foreigners, we know what problems foreigners here have and what will interest them. No other paper in Hungary can make that claim.

We expect our readers to be a community of foreigners and Hungarians learning to work together in this period of rapid change. Budapest Week intends to aid them in this process as a forum of communication.

We invite active reader participation. Feel free to contact us at the address and telephone numbers listed in the masthead below.

Published in the first issue of Budapest Week, March 1991

— // —

Yes, this is the story of a newspaper

That much is true

But there is SO much more going on here

Thirty years down the road, isn’t it obvious that everything that young man and his friends wrote in this statement became a reality?

Not only that

Wasn’t it obvious even ten years down the road, that the many who joined this effort shared the founders’ intentions and convictions?

Though they had never met?

Make no mistake

These are words that build worlds

And this was no solo undertaking

Our young sorcerer did not weave that incantation alone, oh no

Surely you have always suspected this

Now I can confirm it

Budapest Week began as an alchemical pact struck between three young heroes

These partners shared a magical vision

They laid everything on the table to weave their dreams into being

Let us hear their names:

Tibor Szendrei
Rick Bruner
Steven Carlson

Let us remember the names of our long-departed friends who contributed to this magical vision:

We remember Dick Bruner, our first editor, mentor, and friend
We remember Blake Steinberg, our first business manager
We remember Tim Randall, who we knew and loved as Sam Worthington

And there are others

These friends joined their voices to our choir and we remember them in our hearts

We will never see the likes of them again

And as our voices grew, more and more of you joined our choir, and as each of us stepped up, each of you embraced our magical vision

This is alchemy, my friends

This is wizard magic

We laid everything on the table and we signed a sacred alchemical pact

Each and every one of us

Thirty years later, as I read that first spell, I can hear Jim Jessee’s voice


James Wilson Jessee: November 16, 1948 — November 30, 2020

Let us know and remember Jim Jessee, my friends

This man had a colossal and generous heart

You have no idea

As a passionate young man, Jim Jessee was inspired by the words of John F. Kennedy

I wonder

Does anybody still remember?

“Ask not what your country can do for you — Ask what you can do for your country”

As a student activist, Jim responded to that call by sending thousands of his fellow students to work as volunteers, serving thousands of other people in his community

Jim helped build low-income housing that provided a roof to thousands of families

Jim made his career at Chico State organizing and publishing the school catalog, centralizing university data, and managing the use of facilities throughout the entire campus

He was a noted genealogist. He was an amateur historian

Jim grew up poor. His family was his top priority. This man wanted nothing more than a stable roof and a full table surrounded by family and friends

Jim Jessee had all that, oh my friends

And what he had he SHARED

He converted his garage into an apartment, where he took in guests, friends, stranded foreign students, and eventually even me

And that man could tell STORIES!

About the time an Arab in Jericho offered him 14 camels and 100 sheep for Nelda

That man’s name was Alibaba. Of course

About his ‘year abroad’ in Bayonne, New Jersey where Jim made his first Black acquaintance, who became his lifelong pal and partner-in-crime, Ray Cooper

Then there was the time he took a long slide down a freshly-waxed school hall corridor directly into the legs of the startled principal, who was turning the corner

Oh, I could go on, my friends

Jim often did


Jim Jessee embraced this world of ours with his whole heart

He wandered between worlds

He wove enchanted webs of magical human connection

He shared mystical visions

And as you surely must know by now

Jim Jessee was a mighty alchemical wizard

A being of awesome power

You have no idea


Yes, and I was that sorcerer’s apprentice, my friends

I sat with Jim and listened as the wizard weaved his worlds

Jim launched me on my path to Budapest

Where I applied my master’s craft

But I was the apprentice, not the master

And I failed to seal the spell

Our alchemical bond was tainted

With that error of my youth

Never forget that words have the power to build worlds

Witness our hero’s mistake

He embraced our world with his whole heart

He lived a life worth living

But he vowed to live his life as if money had no meaning

And so our hero, of course, had none

And what happened to that newspaper?

What happened to our dreams?


At the end of his days

I returned to my old friend, Jim

I explained to him our problem

And we sealed a sorcerer’s deal

I served Jim as his gardener

I served him my iced tea

We sat in the shade of summer

As my master weaved his worlds

And we watched his garden grow, oh my friends!

At the end of the season

Jim Jessee harvested his peppers

To cook his favorite meal

Hungarian stuffed peppers

Grown from seeds provided by my Hungarian daughter

Who taught me the recipe that I taught Nelda

And what do you know?

Jim and Nelda Jessee — working together — cooked a great big pot of those stuffed peppers

For what turned out to be Jim’s final meal

The three of us shared that fine supper

We raised a glass or two

And Jim Jessee climbed the stairs to his warm and waiting bed

Belly full, heart full, satisfied

Where he passed away in his sleep the morning of November 30, 2020

We will never see the likes of him again

But we shall remember him



Let us honor the life of Jim Jessee

All of us

You never had the privilege of meeting this great man

Oh, but you have tasted of his dreams, my friends

You have shared his magical visions

He wove enchanted webs of mystical human connection

And they are reaching out to you

I tell you there is only one way to celebrate the life of such an impeccable sorcerer

We must seal a magical pact

Each and every one of us

For this is the wizards’ way

And with what shall we seal the spell you ask?

Oh, my friends!

Jim Jessee has left us an enormous gift

A gift of absolutely staggering proportions

For that was our wizards’ pact

My master entrusted us all with his great wizard’s heart

And he has gifted me with a colossal, oceanic GRIEF

The only grief big enough to commemorate such a colossal and generous heart




I am heaving great huge sobs of hero sadness



There is a massive hole in my massive wizard’s heart that will never, ever heal

That hole in my heart is the size of Jim Jessee

And Jim was a VERY big man

But there’s more

Oh, there is more

We carry to you the grief of Jim’s widow, Nelda

Of his son Earl

His daughter Emma

Four darling granddaughters

An extensive family tree that only a noted genealogist could possibly assemble

And a simply staggering number of family and friends in Chico and Butte County and all around the world who have been calling and dropping by and sending flowers and bringing food and arranging things and offering support and extending their condolences to this family

And oh, my friends, our wizards’ heart carries all of this grief

For as any sorcerer could tell you

We are all connected

With radiant bonds of loving light


Know this

A wizard’s grief has magical alchemic properties


This grief will make an impeccable alchemic fuel, my friends

Wizard tears can heal

You will see

Oh you shall see

You really didn’t see this coming at all, did you?

My master launched me on my journey toward mysterious realms

That much is true

But I traveled much longer and farther than he

I have spent lifetimes wandering across worlds

Weaving mystical webs of magical human connection

I have gathered the seeds of stories yet to be told

And I never looked back

Oh, my brothers and sisters, I never looked back


Always remember the pupil must exceed the master

For that is the wizards’ way




This is alchemy, my friends

This is serious juju

This might sound a little scary

But rest assured

You have nothing to fear



The evidence has been right in front of your eyes the entire time

You never suspected a thing

You are entangled in mystical enchantments

Our spell is in progress

We’ve been hard at work for days and weeks and months

You still don’t get it, do you?

What could this mad, raving wizard possibly mean?

The podcast

Our private Facebook group

Our newspaper, the archives — all of us!

Do you see it now?

Don’t you understand?

This is your legacy

This is my legacy

This is Jim Jessee’s legacy

This is OUR legacy

This is a treasure beyond your wildest dreams!

Oh, you shall see


I have returned to you, my friends

At the end of days

It is time to stand up and be counted

We who share this magical vision

THIS is the most COLOSSAL spell we have ever attempted

Our incantation requires a passionate posse of talented magicians

You know who I’m talking about

Of course, you do

I mean all of us

All of you who took part in that original, alchemical pact

Each and every one of us

We now have the means to correct that youthful error

That so crippled our efforts


Here’s how the spell works

This enchantment requires the active participation

Of each and every one of us

Who wish to claim this legacy

We have woven mystical webs of magical human connection

We have gathered up an ocean of grief

We share the colossal and generous heart of an impeccable master wizard

Which serves us as our sacred furnace

To transmute an ocean of grief into the divine elixir

And energize our cosmic network of hearts

With alchemical rocket fuel

But we still need one more thing, my friends


That’s right

For as even an apprentice wizard should know

Every spell must be sealed

I have obtained the wizards’ heart

And you?

Your job is to bring home the bacon

We don’t need much to get the job done

But every little bit counts


The time has come

To lay it all upon the table

Each and every one of us

Now we may seal our sorcerers’ pact



We are the weavers of worlds

We gathered here in our youth

With our naivety and ambition

We chronicled the birth of hope

We believed in openness and tolerance and fairness and dignity and truth

We shared our hearts

We reached out to one another across languages and cultures and borders

We offered orientation and context and community and meaning to thousands upon thousands of readers

Many of whom are friends

The world we shared is gone

But the work we did remains

We claim this as our legacy

And we vow to share our riches with the world


Now I take my leave

I have done what I can do

I have prepared the incantation

And you may seal the spell

Oh, my friends

If anything about what you have read and witnessed here has moved your hearts

Then and only then

Here are three steps I suggest you follow

To achieve the highest good for all



Part of your Budapest Week legacy is us — your tribe

Are you aware the paper was in print for 10 years?

Do you know how many people worked for Budapest over the years?

All of us shared a similar vision and we are connected by our shared experiences. Many of us have gone on to achieve incredible things. We’re a talented bunch of people.

Have you checked out the podcast yet?

You might see a few old friends there:


We also have a private Facebook group for old friends to reconnect

Just knock on the door and we will let you in:


Take your time, drink it in, reconnect, enjoy!



Here is a link to our GoFundMe. The goal is $5000, which will go toward paying the costs of labor and project management:


These are the project goals

To collect print copies of Budapest Week from at least its first four years (1991–1994.) to be deposited in the OSA’s collection.

To digitize and make searchable this archive and host it online with the OSA.

To collect and digitize any documents related to the founding of the newspaper.



This invitation goes out to all of us who took part in creating Budapest Week, from its foundation until the end — as well as those who feel a connection to our story

We all get an opportunity to contribute

And to feel ourselves a part of writing this Happy Ending

Even $1 is enough to write your name upon the wall

Give what you can afford, and what feels right to you


Jim Jessee was fond of Spinoza, so here’s a parting thought

“I can’t tell you if there’s anything after this life but I can give you a tip. Live as if there is not. As if this is your only chance to enjoy, to love, to exist.”


PS — A disclaimer from your humble narrator

Believe me when I tell you that I am AT LEAST as surprised as you are to read these words

They simply came to me

As if in a dream

Did I write this story?

Or is the story writing me?

Am I a magician?

Is magic real?


Is this simply yet another way

Of expressing simple truths?

Was this fever dream of mine

Just another way of sharing



This much I know

The time has come for ALL OF US to share our stories!

And we lived happily ever after


Once again, here’s that link to our GoFundMe

